Allegations of price collusions among the potato cartel reveal the new, sophisticated methods food corporations are using to keep prices high.
A new study reveals that charitable giving will soon be dominated by Wall Street dark-money funds that enrich the wealthy and never have to give to working charities.
A federal judge ruled Google violated antitrust laws to maintain its search-engine monopoly — what happens now?
Private equity firms are buying up asbestos liability claims — and asbestos victims will pay the price.
Digital surveillance and customer isolation are locking us into a consumer hell of personalized prices.
Private prison companies are pushing states to get tougher on crime, then cashing in on the profits.
Big Pharma and private equity are taking over the booming in-home care industry while pushing back against needed reforms.
While blaming inflation for rising prices, the country’s biggest food and restaurant companies are raking in billions and showering shareholders with payouts.
Companies are exploiting the First Amendment to undermine rules that protect consumers and deter corruption.
Tenants are paying fees to have their credit scores lowered, among other dubious services.