Green Party
“There is an unstoppable uprising going on. And however far we get, people are not going to stop. This is not just for the election,” Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein told MintPress: “The fight will not be over, no matter what. This is a long-term battle, and it is so uplifting to see how ready people are to be in it for the long haul.”
The post Jill Stein: Democrats Would Rather Lose the Election Than Stop A Genocide appeared first on MintPress News.
Canada’s National Post is refusing to comment after one of its columnists revealed himself to be a collaborator with Western-aligned intelligence agencies. A Canadian activist is now threatening to sue the paper after the confessed spy smeared him in a front page article. Adam Zivo, a columnist who covered the war in Ukraine for Canada’s National Post newspaper, has outed himself as an operative of Canadian and Ukrainian intelligence. The admission came as Zivo publicly leapt to the defense of […]
The post Canadian journalist outs himself as Canadian, Ukrainian intelligence collaborator first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Canadian journalist outs himself as Canadian, Ukrainian intelligence collaborator appeared first on The Grayzone.
Green Party Presidential candidate Dr.Jill Stein joins Mint Press director and host of the MintCast podcast Mnar Adley to talk about Dr. Stein's position on Gaza, the two-party system, US militarism, climate change and her campaign objectives
The post Presidential Candidate Jill Stein On Gaza, The Two-Party System and US Militarism appeared first on MintPress News.