What if Ann Rutledge had lived, and she and Lincoln had married?
An institution entering the last of its salad days while still running on the fumes of its preening self-importance.
I’m posting a talk, which I gave nearly two years ago. Whoops! Forgot to publish it! This was an original talk for Lead Night 2021 which was hosted by OU President’s Community Scholars (PCS). The event was held on March 11, 2021 and included four TED Talk-style presentations. The theme was “Leadership Unmasked” (very 2021, […]
Benedict shared with skeptics, postmodernists, and existentialists the suspicion of the modern trust in the benevolence of the human will.
In the output of the AI generated image, the technique is there but the techne is not.
Jean-Luc Godard, like Nietzsche and Wittgenstein and Heidegger, is worth paying attention to even when we think his work is bad
The genealogical approach has found surprising success in an unlikely genre.
The world circa 2000 was not Napoleonic.
What we are seeing, then, is a fictional spectacle—a pseudo-iconoclastic event.
We all must adapt to a new textual culture made by GPT-3.