state department

Fri, 23/08/2024 - 04:00

Chuck D has made a full transition from “Fight the Power” to “work with the power.” MintPress News explores this new venture that fuses together YouTube, popular musicians, and the U.S. national security state.

The post From Fight the Power to Work for It: Chuck D, Public Enemy and How the CIA Neutralized Rap appeared first on MintPress News.

Thu, 13/06/2024 - 04:34

The US government-backed Ukrainian outlet “Data Journalism Agency” has just released a report attacking Americans as enemies for opposing military aid to Ukraine. The Grayzone is included alongside hundreds of others from both the political right and left. The new Ukrainian report, titled “Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists. The forces in the U.S. impeding aid to Ukraine and how they do it,” intends to smear American politicians, journalists, and social media influencers as tools of Russia, writing: “Most of […]

The post The Grayzone targeted in US govt-backed ‘enemies of Ukraine’ list first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post The Grayzone targeted in US govt-backed ‘enemies of Ukraine’ list appeared first on The Grayzone.

Thu, 28/03/2024 - 05:41

After years of accusing Russia of using food as a weapon in its conflict with Ukraine, State Department “culinary ambassador” José Andrés is working with the Israeli government to supplant UNRWA as the main supplier of aid to northern Gaza. State Department-linked Spanish celebrity chef José Andrés has emerged as the US government’s preferred conduit for aid to enter Gaza, following the Biden administration’s decision to suspend funding to the enclave’s main supplier of food, aid and education, the UNRWA. […]

The post US State Dept’s favorite celebrity chef builds Gaza aid dock with stolen rubble first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post US State Dept’s favorite celebrity chef builds Gaza aid dock with stolen rubble appeared first on The Grayzone.

Sat, 24/02/2024 - 09:17

While falsely claiming to have received “independent confirmation” of since-debunked assertions of mass rape by Hamas, the State Department’s spokesman said he “cannot independently verify” allegations by UN human rights experts that Israeli soldiers have sexually abused and systematically slaughtered Palestinian women and girls in the besieged Gaza Strip. The US State Department has downplayed the findings of UN human rights experts who received “credible allegations” that Israeli soldiers have raped, tortured, and executed Palestinian women and girls amid their […]

The post State Dept downplays reports of Israeli soldiers sexually abusing, slaughtering Palestinian women first appeared on The Grayzone.

Wed, 15/11/2023 - 19:23

As Israel assaults Gaza’s Shifa Hospital, the Biden administration claims that “Hamas does use hospitals” as military bases. Once again, Washington appears to be relying on dubious Israeli propaganda rather than independent analysis. With Israeli troops storming Gaza’s Al-Shifa and Al-Rantisi hospitals, the United States and Israel are doubling down on discredited claims that Hamas has been maintaining “command centers” out of the basements of hospitals in Gaza, even after so-called evidence produced by Tel Aviv was thoroughly debunked. “I […]

The post Biden admin justifies Israel’s assault on Gaza hospitals with recycled Israeli ‘intelligence’ first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post Biden admin justifies Israel’s assault on Gaza hospitals with recycled Israeli ‘intelligence’ appeared first on The Grayzone.

Tue, 31/10/2023 - 17:52

The CEO of one of the world’s leading tech conferences was forced to resign after criticizing Israel’s assault on Gaza. He was quickly replaced by one of the industry’s most prominent US government-affiliated regime change specialists.  Europe’s biggest tech conference, Web Summit, has appointed a veteran US regime-change operative named Katherine Maher as its new CEO, just days after founder Paddy Cosgrave stepped down from the position following an industry-wide backlash to his suggestion that Israel forces have carried out […]

The post US regime change activist named Web Summit CEO after founder forced out for condemning Israeli ‘war crimes’ first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post US regime change activist named Web Summit CEO after founder forced out for condemning Israeli ‘war crimes’ appeared first on The Grayzone.

Fri, 02/06/2023 - 11:55

US citizen Gonzalo Lira faces a long prison term in Ukraine for criticizing the country’s government. Shunned by the US government, his father is fighting to stop the “slow death of a son.” When US media have demonstrated any interest in the arrest of an American citizen, Gonzalo Lira, it has been primarily to celebrate his prosecution on the grounds that he has been “shilling for Putin.” The US State Department, meanwhile, refuses to answer questions about the disappearance of […]

The post Father of Gonzalo Lira, American jailed in Ukraine, speaks out against “political imprisonment” first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post Father of Gonzalo Lira, American jailed in Ukraine, speaks out against “political imprisonment” appeared first on The Grayzone.

Fri, 14/04/2023 - 08:28

ICC prosecutor general Karim Khan raised millions from NATO states by crafting an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin while freezing investigations into well-documented US and Israeli war crimes. Along the way, he won powerful friends in Washington, London, Kiev — and Hollywood. Karim Khan, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, stood before a podium on March 3, 2023, and issued an unusual qualifier: “Of course the prosecutor of the ICC does not, whatever affection and regard I may […]

The post How NATO states sponsored ICC prosecutor’s Putin arrest warrant appeared first on The Grayzone.

Fri, 14/04/2023 - 04:03

A MintPress News investigation has found that dozens of former officials from the State Department, CIA and FBI are working in key positions at TikTok and affecting the content that over one billion users see.

The post TikTok: Chinese “Trojan Horse” Is Run by State Department Officials appeared first on MintPress News.

Sat, 01/04/2023 - 05:25

The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin, accusing him of the “unlawful deportation” of Ukrainian children to a network of camps inside Russia. The warrant was based on a report by the Yale HRL center, which is funded by the US State Department. US journalist Jeremy Loffredo visited one of Russian government-sponsored camps in question. At The Donbas Express, located just outside of Moscow, Loffredo met youth from war-torn regions who were flourishing thanks […]

The post ICC’s Putin arrest warrant based on State Dept-funded report that debunked itself appeared first on The Grayzone.