The Director of the Climate Media Coalition explained the role of media moguls in demanding a crack down on climate protestors
"Stifling the media is never a good thing and trying to control them is even worse."
Politicians have justified crackdowns on protest by claiming public support. But a new Demos report shows the reality is more nuanced.
Campaigners say the police failed to properly investigate an alleged campaign of intimidation against them
These factors do not exist in isolation but interact and act as force multipliers for each other and are ripe to be manipulated through identity politics
Why are peaceful protesters getting longer sentences than violent rioters? By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 14th August 2024 A functioning society depends on equality before the law. If crimes are not treated equally and dispassionately by the justice system, we lose trust in democracy and each other. But as sentences begin to be […]
The five activists face the "longest ever" jail terms for peaceful protest, and international NGOs have rallied behind them
"It is irresponsible and disrespectful to punish the very people that the company relies on for its success in pursuit of shareholder profits."