
Fri, 17/02/2023 - 02:27

The future will further reveal Tel Aviv’s role in the Russian-Ukraine war. However, what is quite clear for now is that Israel is no longer a neutral party, even if Tel Aviv continues to repeat such claims. 

The post Active ‘Neutrality’: Why Is Israel Struggling to Maintain a Coherent Position in Russia, Ukraine? appeared first on MintPress News.

Thu, 16/02/2023 - 21:59

By DemocracyNow! When the Nord Stream pipelines carrying natural gas from Russia to Germany were damaged last September, U.S. officials were quick to suggest Russia had bombed its own pipelines. But according to a new report by the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, it was the U.S. Navy that carried out the sabotage, with help […]

The post DemocracyNow! Interview: Seymour Hersh on ‘How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline’ appeared first on