Billions of pounds were spent on unusable protective equipment, with priority contracts handed to associates of Conservative ministers
Ten years on from the death of Zane Gbangbola, in circumstances that have still not been properly explained, the risk from contaminated waste dumps continues to grow
by Gary Gardner
Well, COP 28 ended yesterday with (seeming) agreement to (sort of) walk down the fossil fuel ladder toward a (not for a while) sustainable future. Geez! It’s almost 2024, more than half a century since Limits to Growth was published, and the human family is in a pouting mood. Why is it like pulling teeth to do the right thing, sustainability-wise? Why are we sleepwalking toward a cliff?
The post Time to Make a Material Difference appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.
From growing sewage pollution to rising water bills and lack of investment, Lord Hollick criticises Therese Coffey's failure to address a Lords report
A new waste strategy was drawn up by the Government in 2018 but, five years on, there are no delivery dates for it, according to a new report by the independent spending watchdog
Rishi Sunak's new list of green announcements merely shows how far the UK has fallen behind other nations on reaching Net Zero, reports Thomas Perrett
A new recycling plant in Mexicali raises legal and ethical concerns.
The post America’s ‘Waste Colonialism’ in Mexico appeared first on