Sounds easy. And it’s only 1 hour! 6:15 pm I start cooking since Mr. Sauce, Esq. wanted dinner after 7. I do some prep–slice the zucchini, measure the rice, and cut the sausage into pieces. 6:45 pm this is when I start cooking in earnest and brown the chicken 7 pm brown the sausage. ItContinue reading 169. Chicken ‘N Rice Skillet
This is the dinner that you, my friends, chose as my Spring Dinner from Great Dinners from Life by Eleanor Graves***. (1969). The globe artichoke is surely the engineering marvel of the vegetable world. It is so formidably constructed that one wonders what inquisitive Italian first though that the bud of the thistle plant wouldContinue reading Great Dinners from Life: Shrimp-Stuffed Artichoke (1969)