Genom att utbilda mig skulle jag få ett bättre jobb än pappa, tjäna mer pengar än vad han giorde och slippa slita ut min kropp medan jag gorde det. Helt enkelt kunna leva ett godare liv än vad han hade gjort. l en rent objektiv och materiell mening har jag också lyckats bättre med det […]
Never give in. Never give up.
. Hansson de Wolfe United — poesi och musik i vacker förening.
Long holidays are nice. But sometimes, amid all the relaxation, you can feel your brain getting a bit mushy. What do you do then? Personally, I usually solve crosswords, chess problems, and the occasional mathematical puzzle to keep the grey brain cells active over Christmas and New Year…
Economics bloggers contribute varied content, making it an accessible way to stay informed without delving into the density of academic journals. Below, we’ve compiled a list, in no particular order, of blogs that we at INOMICS frequently turn to for engaging and informative articles covering a broad range of economic topics … 7. Naked Capitalism […]
. Phil Spector’s Wall of Sound masterpiece. And that 1960s choreography! I just love it.