Aboriginal people

Thu, 03/09/2020 - 18:38
US-born former TV journalist and news producer Gerald Stone in his biography of Sydney advertising man John Singleton describes Singleton’s seemingly unlikely friendship with the Reverend Bill Crews: ‘John hates to admit it but in a funny way, he is quite religious,’ Crews smiles. ‘He reminds me a lot of King David. We’re told David […]
Wed, 07/04/2021 - 20:34
Public servant and academic C.D. (Charles) Rowley was principal of the Australian School of Pacific Administration from 1950 to 1964, where Australian administrators of the Territory of Papua New Guinea were trained. In 1964 he accepted a three-year appointment to the Social Science Research Council of Australia, Canberra as director of a project to study […]
Thu, 08/04/2021 - 08:11
C.D. Rowley details the findings of a survey into conditions among Sydney’s Aboriginal community: Mrs Pamela Beasley made at the beginning of 1964 an interim report on conditions in the Redfern–Chippendale area. She found over 500 persons willing to be interviewed as Aboriginal, in a small area including part of Redfern and part of Chippendale, […]