More self-serving outrage from the GOP Without getting overly wonky here, I’ve studied the Electronic Registration Information Centers (ERIC) efforts at voter roll maintenance for several years. Multiple red states in recent weeks have exited the ERIC network. The consortium of over two dozen states (it was over 30) share voter registration data in a coordinated effort to eliminate multi-state registrants, to identify registrants who have moved within and between states, to identify those who have died, and to identify people who vote in more than one state in an election. There seem to be quite a few of the last group in Florida, one of several red states that exited ERIC last week. Readers who remember Kansas’ Kris Kobach’s defunct Interstate Crosscheck system and its history of bad data matching, take note. Originally a project of The Pew Charitable Trusts, ERIC is what Interstate Crosscheck purported to be and was not. Kobach’s real project was not election integrity but promoting the notion that voter fraud was widespread and photo IDs necessary to combating the phantom menace. Republicans loved it. The Washington Post Editorial Board this morning reflects on the red states now exiting ERIC in the wake of last year’s “expose” by The Gateway Pundit. The three-part posting alleged that George Soros was behind ERIC’s “left-wing plot to add more racial minorities to the voter rolls,” the Board reports. “If Republicans are serious about protecting election integrity and the rule of law, they’d celebrate ERIC,” the Board writes without…