Racist MAGA bros pimping the “woke” BS

Fri, 17/03/2023 - 05:00
Fri, 17/03/2023 - 05:00
Josh Marshall has a story that will make you want to throw something it’s so infuriating. You can read it here. He did a brief twitter threat with the basic outline: Rarely do I stumble upon something quite so gross and stupid as this. So if you’ll indulge me for a brief thread, I’d appreciate it. Over the last couple days there’s a claim making the rounds in right wing media that Silicon Valley Bank went under in part because it gave more than $73 million to “BLM”. So they were so focused on woke culture they forget to run the bank, etc. Even if the claim about why the bank went under was silly I couldn’t believe that even a medium sized bank could have possibly given that sum of money. A little poking around quickly led me to newly published database put out by the Trumpist think tank Claremont Institute. It probably won’t surprise you that of course SVB didn’t donate $73 million to “BLM”. But that only scratches the surface of this hideous little bundle of racist garbage. The database allows you to look up dozens of individuals corporations and how much they gave to the “BLM Movement & Related Causes,” funding which they explicitly say “funded the BLM riots.” But when you look at the database, not only are the total sums usually wrong, the great majority of the giving is to organizations like the United Negro College Fund, various historically Black colleges and universities, the…