2022 Non-alcoholic drinks on the rise

Sun, 01/05/2022 - 13:10
Sun, 01/05/2022 - 13:10

This food timeline started as a way to explore the revolution in Australian food that has occurred during the baby-boomers’ lifetime, but has since expanded to include more about the previous decades (and century) as well. Also included are overseas events and trends that had an impact here. The entries are brief, but there are lots of links if you want more information.

no-alcohol drinks package from Sans Drinks

I wrote the following article for SoVino, the in-house magazine of the Independent Liquor Retailers group, in late 2021. Since then, non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks have continued to increase in popularity.  And industry research suggests the category will keep growing. Low and no-alcohol versions of your favourite booze are definitely on the up, and not […]

The post 2022 Non-alcoholic drinks on the rise appeared first on Australian Food Timeline.