Mandrake, have you ever hear of Central Bank Digital Currency? That CRT-killin’ Mouse-foe, Florida Gov. Wokety-woke DeWoke, decided he was not fringy enough to appeal to the QAnon-fueled, pedophile-fightin’, MAGA primary voter. He’s rooted out another Deep State enemy with which to scare the bejeezus out of them. It got lost in the Trump indictment fallout this week until the other day. Catherine Rampell noticed it, though: In a speech this past weekend in Pennsylvania, DeSantis suggested that the real reason to fear the Fed is that central bankers are “colluding” with other (unnamed, presumably evil) communist-style elites to block your ability to buy gasoline and guns. “They want the Fed to control a digital dollar,” he said. “Guess what’ll happen? They’re going to try to impose an ESG agenda through that. You go and use too much gas, they’re going to stop it. They’re not going to honor the transaction because you’ve already bought more than what they think. You wanna go buy a rifle, they’re going to say no, you have too many, too many of those, you can’t do it. So it’s ceding the power of our financial freedom to a central bank which does not have our interest at heart.” DeSantis adds ESG (environmental, social, and governance) to CRT and DEI (diversity equity and inclusion) in his list of plots by the woke left to undermine Real Americans’ ™ personal freedoms. But wait. Here comes CBDC: You almost need an Alex Jones-style decoder ring to understand what DeSantis…