Jobs, jobs, jobs

Sat, 06/05/2023 - 00:30
Sat, 06/05/2023 - 00:30
RW Eeyores will downplay this They’re ba-ack. Jobs, that is. I know, the Market is not the average American’s lived experience. But damned if Republicans don’t treat it that way when it’s going their way. Except under a Democratic president. Investor’s Business Daily: Dow Jones Surges 450 Points On Strong Jobs Report. AAPL Stock Jumps On Earnings. Barron’s: The Jobs Data Were Hotter Than Expected. Why the Stock Market Is Celebrating. Washington Post: In March 2021, more than 4 million workers were “missing” from the job market as a result of early retirements, a lack of child care, covid illness and death, and slowdowns in immigration. More than 75 percent of that shortfall has been filled, according to a Washington Post analysis, as new and returning workers help boost labor-force participation back to pre-pandemic levels. The share of adults who have a job or are looking for one is back to where it was in March 2020. Watch for the negative spin from the right’s Eeyores. And from “labor participation truthers,” cautions Carolina Forward. “They won’t care” is right.