Our dystopia

Tue, 09/05/2023 - 03:30
Tue, 09/05/2023 - 03:30
Gun culture is killing us It was another bloody weekend in America’s sick and twisted shooting gallery. A man dressed in full tactical gear and carrying an assault rifle got out of his car at a shopping mall in Allen Texas and started randomly shooting people on the sidewalk. A police officer who was coincidentally on the scene for another call took down the shooter after he had shot 16 people, killing at least 8 and possibly more. (Several people are reportedly still in critical condition.) This is seen as a huge success story among the gun fetishists because it shows that a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun with only a dozen and half casualties. It’s what we call “good news” these days. Last week we had two other major shooting incidents before this one. One, in Atlanta, caused the whole downtown area to be shut down for hours after a man shot five women in a doctor’s office and then disappeared into the labyrinth of office buildings. Before that, in Texas again, a man who was upset because his neighbors asked him to stop shooting his gun in the front yard at 11 o’clock at night decided to execute five of them in their home moments later. Both men were apprehended after massive manhunts. All three of these cases appear to have different motivations. The Atlanta shooter was diagnosed with mental illness and was reportedly angry that he didn’t get the…