Honorary doctorate, UPF

Tue, 09/05/2023 - 12:16
Tue, 09/05/2023 - 12:16


On 17th April, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra conferred on me the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, at a public ceremony. I attended online since I am not able to travel long-distance at present. UPF is a major public university in Barcelona, named for Pompeu Fabra, a celebrated linguist who was a key figure in the Catalan cultural revival of the early 20th century.


For an academic worker, an honorary doctorate is a public recognition of one's contribution to a field of knowledge, but also, importantly, a recognition of the field itself and its value. In this case, the study of social hierarchies of class and gender, the study of masculinities, and struggles for social justice and peace.


UPF did the ceremony splendidly. The university's senior officials were there to make the award; colleagues and students from the social sciences gave the reasons; a former UPF student presented the medal in person; the gathering patiently listened to my speech-in-reply; there was great music; and videos of two of my poems were shown, commissioned from a local artist.


I was greatly moved by the award, and the event. Thank you, very much, to all involved. 


Here's a press report in La Vanguardia: https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20230417/8900699/upf-inviste-honoris-causa-sociologa-australiana-trans-raewyn-connell.html

If you would like to see the videos, they are here: https://youtu.be/NAFSGjyD4gA

and here: https://youtu.be/xClqfJh8gHA