I think everyone knew that CNN’s very special episode of The Trump Show on Wednesday night was going to be a fiasco. How could it not be? Donald Trump lies as easily as he breathes and he was going to be given a live platform to do that. We’ve seen him do these events for years now and there was no reason to believe this one would be any different. If there was anything startling about it was the friendly audience that cheered and jeered as if they were at a Trump rally. But we should have expected that too. CNN said the town hall was for Republican primary and “undeclared” voters and there’s no mystery about what kind of people show up for campaign events with Donald Trump. All that was missing were the red hats and the awkward line dancing to “YMCA.” I won’t go into the full litany of rhetorical atrocities. You can read more about them in these pieces by Amanda Marcotte [need link], Brian Karem and Igor Derysh. Suffice to say that he was as obnoxious and crude as always reminding anyone who’s forgotten, just how unfit he is for the office of president of the United States. If anything, his vocabulary seems to have shrunk even more than before with him resorting to repeatedly saying everything and everyone is “stupid.” But the crowd loved it and he loved the crowd, as always, and they fed off each other the whole night. So, what did…