Looking for Home in an Overheating World

Mon, 05/06/2023 - 07:40
Mon, 05/06/2023 - 07:40

Greenville, CA — Pines and firs parched by a three-year drought had been burning for days on a ridge 1,000 feet above my remote mountain town. On August 4, 2021, the flames suddenly flared into a heat so intense it formed a molten cloud the color of bruised flesh. As that sinister cumulus rose above an oval-shaped reservoir, it collapsed, sending red-hot embers down the steep slopes toward Greenville in a storm of torched trees and exploding shrubs. It took less than 30 minutes for the Dixie fire to transform my town’s tarnished Gold Rush charm into a heap of smoldering hand-hewn timbers and century-old brick walls. Minutes earlier, the last of the nearly 1,000 residents had bolted, some in... Read more

Source: Looking for Home in an Overheating World appeared first on TomDispatch.com.
