Generalissimo DeSantis opens a new front All the GOP presidential candidates (except for Donald Trump who apparently had some urgent hysterical posting and golfing to do) converged on Iowa last weekend for Sen. Joanie Ernst’s Roast and Ride gathering. They gave speeches in front of haystacks and wandered around in dad jeans pressing the white Republican flesh. Florida first lady Casey DeSantis sported a black leather jacket with the words “Where Woke Goes to Die” emblazoned on the back and Mike Pence donned a leather vest and rode around on a Harley trying desperately to imitate a regular guy. It was a magical time. There were a lot of speeches but one stood out among all the rest: “… we will fight the woke in education, we will fight the woke in corporations, we will fight the woke in the halls of congress, we will never ever surrender to the woke mob! “ As you can see, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is fashioning himself as a wartime leader, aping Winston Churchill’s most famous speech given June 4, 1940 after the miraculous rescue of tens of thousands of British troops at Dunkirk. The German military had overrun France and in just over a month, the bombing campaign known as the Battle of Britain began, killing more than 40,000 British civilians. You can see why DeSantis would think it appropriate to draw rhetorical parallels between Britain’s dire straits in 1940 to the threat American faces from “the woke.” In fact, our war…