What kind of a country do we want? Fox News and guests threw a blizzard of chaff into the air last night to reassure MAGAstan that the 37-count Trump felony indictment was a malicious hit job by the left against the patron saint of kitch. After a few glances, I needed a palate cleanser. John Pavlovitz regularly reposts some of his sermonettes. One from April he posted last night, “The Conservative War on Everything,” outlines how the conservative project “is a case study in what fear does when it fully grips a group of people.” Their view is as bleak and cold as Trump’s “American carnage.” Their oversized displays of “patriotism” smack of flop-sweat desperation. “In this environment,” Pavlovitz wrote, “the human heart become unable to manufacture empathy for the other, as it finds encroaching enemies everywhere it looks.” The result is a withered soul. Millions of them. Another post he wrote just days ago, “Woke Will Win,” indirectly lays out the choice America faces: fear or hope. Yes, the Woke Mob is coming for them: the disparate, sprawling army of human beings who know that diversity makes us better, that compassion is the better path, that more voices make a sweeter sound, that everyone should gave the chance to have joy in this life. And the bigots and the hate-preachers and the supremacists are right to be afraid of us because we in our “wokeness” are going to make sure that they do not have the final word here.…