The No Labels scam

Fri, 16/06/2023 - 03:30
Fri, 16/06/2023 - 03:30
I wrote about this a while back but since they seem determined to throw the election to Trump it’s worth reiterating. Here’s Rick Wilson on twitter: Good morning. If any of you are still bamboozled by Nancy Jacobsen and Mark Penn’s @NoLabelsOrg‘s actual intentions let me hook you up. They claim to be moderate, centrist problem solvers who are running a 3rd part effort to “give Americans more choices.”  Nancy is one of DC’s most powerful, influential, and connected players. A Swamp Empress. Richer than God. She and Mark Penn are angry, though. Very, very angry. At whom, you ask? Well, Democrats. They were exiled from Clinton world. Obamas, same.  They’ve been on a jihad ever since. Mark has dozens of Fox hits defending and praising Trump. Their major donors are the EXACT same billionaires funding Ron DeSantis. (Yeah, Nancy hides her donors, but girl, your org leaks because your staff hates you.)  They formed No Labels as a long con, a way to break the Democrats, get rich doing it (and again, they are VERY rich), and punish their imagined enemies. They branded it as “centrist problem solvers” buy their plan to run a 3rd party candidate this year was anything but.  They’re working to put a conservative Dem (Joe Manchin is their number one pony, but Sinema is also in the running if Joe falls off) on the ballot in key states to drain off votes from Biden. Their math, maps, and polling are utter fantasy, an ever-changing target. …