Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper said he’s a national security risk I know, I know. Duh, right? But still, it helps to have more Republicans saying this even if the rank and file are all lining up to take more kool-aid: Esper, who served in Trump’s Cabinet, said: “People have described him as a hoarder when it comes to these type of documents. But clearly, it was unauthorized, illegal and dangerous.” […] “Imagine if a foreign agent, another country were to discover documents that outline America’s vulnerabilities or the weaknesses of the United States military,” he said. “Think about how that could be exploited, how that could be used against us in a conflict, how an enemy could develop countermeasures, things like that. Or in the case of the most significant piece that was raised in the allegation about U.S. plans to attack Iran, think about how that affects our readiness, our ability to prosecute an attack.” Tapper asked Esper if he thought that Trump, if elected president in 2024, could ever be trusted with the nation’s secrets again. “Based on his actions, again, if proven true under the indictment by the special counsel, no,” Esper said. “I mean, it’s just irresponsible action that places our service members at risk, places our nation’s security at risk. You cannot have these documents floating around.” Of course he’s a threat. Some of us knew he was a threat the minute he started exhorting Russia to hack Clinton’s emails but hey, better late…