God knows why… Donald Trump stepped on to the stage in Des Moines Iowa on Friday night to the ubiquitous GOP rally song called “Only in America” just as the lines, “one could end up going to prison, one just might be president” were blaring over the loudspeakers. Everyone in that room has probably heard the song a thousand times, Trump included, but never have the words been more relevant. If they were mad at Gov. Reynolds they shouldn’t have been. The song was played for every candidate who spoke. It’s just that those particular lyrics only apply to one of them. The crowd cheered lustily for the former president and current front runner for the Republican nomination anyway ,as they always do. It’s doubtful any of them even heard those lyrics, and if they did they no doubt saw it as more evidence of the massive conspiracy against Donald Trump. We know this because earlier in the evening one lone Republican candidate tried to tell them the truth: Reporters inside the room said the booing was much louder and more energetic than what appears on the video. One man reportedly yelled, “go home you son of a bitch!” Hurd said “the truth is hard” but these people don’t think so. Here’s a typical Trump voter from the next day at Trump’s rally in Erie, Pennsylvania: The scene of those surreal moments with Trump and Hurd came this weekend at the Iowa Republican Party’s Lincoln Day dinner on Friday night…