Playbill Bios for Parenthood

Thu, 10/08/2023 - 22:00
Thu, 10/08/2023 - 22:00

Sheila Muniz is delighted to be making her parenthood debut as Mom in Ainsley: Six Pounds Seven Ounces. She comes to the role after a recurring appearance as Cool Aunt (Jacob) and Cat Mom (Floof). She has also worked in Mid-Level Marketing Company (Sheila), where she will return in two months to reimagine this role as Sheila Who Realizes the Lactation Room Is a Broom Closet and Sues. She’d like to thank her epidural.

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Laura Getty appears again with Westside School PTA after her successful seasons in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. She is best known for Amelia (Mom), also starring in Dustin (Mom) and Felix (Mom). She has been nominated for Best Mom Ever (Amelia; The Day We Got a Dog) and Worst Mom Ever (Dustin; The Fight about Screentime, Part XXIV). Next year, she is planning an appearance as Woman Who Already Paid Her Dues So Ask Someone Else, a dream role, for Westside School PTA.

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Michelle Lomburger, while playing Mom (Calvin; Trinity), has also been the principal artistic director for Dinner for the past ten years. She’s best known for her work They Won’t Eat That Unless You Make All the Individual Parts Not Touch, Oh God Just Try One Bite, and I Used to Enjoy Cooking. She’s working on a one-woman show, set to open soon, Let’s Just Order Pizza.

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Aiden’s Dad (Aiden) continues his run as Aiden’s Dad at the Southview Memorial Baseball Field this season. He honed his skills in Small Talk and Baseball Facts from 1996 through 2008 at Westside High School. Often recognized as one of the top “guys you see all the time but can’t remember his name for the life of you,” next weekend he will appear in Your Kid’s Seventh Birthday Party, where you will attempt to figure out his name from someone else without it seeming like you don’t know it.

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Nicole Gates stars in Surprise Twins (Mom) after co-directing Hannah with Kelly Weston (Parent). Nicole was previously best known for her roles as Woman Who Occasionally Sees a Movie in Theaters and Woman Who Has the Ability to Stay Up Until 10 P.M. Weston and Gates are working on their next project, Oh God, We Have Three Kids Under Three. In their free time, they have no free time.

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Rose Glass and Sebastian Glass reprise their roles in We’re Not Actually Interested in Becoming Parents. This full length-show developed from two shorter works titled The World Is on Fire and Maybe It’s Not Your Business. Performing at venues as varied as Rose’s Office Fourth of July Party to Aunt Elizabeth’s Den during the Super Bowl, their audiences routinely demand encores.

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Julie Stine is thrilled to originate the role of Grandma in Cadence. She previously appeared as Mom (Rachel) and Stepmom (Trey). This production is much better.