Hilary today, floods tomorrow

Mon, 21/08/2023 - 23:00
Mon, 21/08/2023 - 23:00
“Virtually all rainfall daily records have been broken” For future reference, on the east coast when it’s overcast and the air feels like warm bathwater, a hurricane is on its way. Hoping our friends kept dry on Sunday during Hilary’s visit to Palm Springs where the 911 system went down. It’s not as if tropical weather is a regular event there. (One mentioned doing some advance sandbagging.) Weather experts reported “virtually all rainfall daily records have been broken thus far” and warned of “catastrophic and life-threatening flooding.” Plenty of people seem to have insisted on driving flooded streets anyway. As an aside, a women in Greenville, S.C. once stepped out of her car after she stalled out in a foot of water in a low spot. She got sucked down a storm drain at the curb. They found her body in a river days later. It’s not something you forget. Don’t do that. Washington Post: The Los Angeles Unified School District schools are closed.