Common Proverbs as Video Game Tutorials

Wed, 23/08/2023 - 22:00
Wed, 23/08/2023 - 22:00

Looks like you waited too long to strike. Remember, the iron has to be nice and hot before you swing that hammer. Let’s try it again.

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Once an Apple has fallen, you will see it on the ground nearby the Tree from which it dropped.

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Rome is a special area that requires the use of Boost to get around. See those Romans over there? Use Boost to see if you can keep up with them!

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Those empty baskets look rather lonely. Maybe you should put a couple of your Eggs in each one. Why? I… I just don’t like Egg overcrowding, that’s all!

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Notice how after you consumed the Cake, the Cake is no longer in your inventory.

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Change class to Chooser? (WARNING: You will lose all skill points in Beggar.)

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I heard the Merchant at the Bazaar will let you exchange those three Birds-in-Hand for six Birds-in-Bush. Now that’s what I call a deal.

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Distant grass will always have a greener hue. You can fine-tune the appearance of distant grass in Settings > Graphics.

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Your heart doesn’t have enough Fondness to complete this action. Try leaving the area for a while and coming back later.

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Hmm, doesn’t seem like I can use Look in Mouth on this Gift Horse. I should pick a different spell or ability from the Spell Tome.