They’re trying to sell Joe Biden as cold and lacking empathy? What?

Thu, 24/08/2023 - 09:30
Thu, 24/08/2023 - 09:30
This new talking point is just plain weird. It’s all over Fox News that Biden doesn’t care about the Maui fire victims: Okaaaay: For some weird reason, the fact that Biden stopped to talk to a dog handler and pat the dog is being portrayed as more evidence of his cold indifference to suffering. Whatever. This is clearly an official talking point that’s coming out of Republican circles following the old Karl Rove strategy of “attack your enemy’s strength” as they did with John Kerry. But that was attacking him for something he’d done long in the past that couldn’t be verified. This is something that’s happening in real time. Not that it will stop them. They have realized that they can say anything — up is down and black is white — and their audience will believe them because they see nothing else. And if they do happen to see something that refutes the MAGA media, they just think it’s fake news. And honestly, the right is so performative now that it’s really all just a big game show to them. It doesn’t matter if it’s true. All that matters is if it owns the libs. I don’t think the rest of the country is on board with that though. At least I hope not. Also this: “Joe Biden just fell asleep in the middle of his meeting with victims of the Maui fires” — Text posted on social media with an edited video featuring President Biden, Aug. 22, 2023 Attacks on…