Go after his business, fergawdsakes!

Thu, 24/08/2023 - 05:00
Thu, 24/08/2023 - 05:00
Former president Donald Trump won’t be appearing at tonight’s GOP presidential debate in Milwaukee Wisconsin. He says he has no need to participate because he’s so far ahead in the polls. And he’s right. He’s also very busy. He needs to get ready to be arrested on Thursday when he turns himself in for booking at the Fulton County jail. He’s got a lot on his plate. It will be interesting to see if any of the challengers will summon up the nerve to attack Trump for failing to show up or go after him for his legal problems. I’m sure we’ll hear something about Hunter Biden since this will be broadcast on Fox and they apparently have some sort of contractual obligation to discuss the “Biden Crime Family” every ten minutes or so. I expect the candidates will all be eager to participate. The question really is whether any of the challengers will take the opportunity to tell the audience about the “Trump Crime Family’s” global pay-to-play operation. I’m not expecting much but it’s possible that Chris Christie could bring up Jared Kushner’s $2 billion payoff from a Saudi sovereign wealth fund almost immediately after leaving the White House. He’s done it before. But I haven’t heard anything about the Trump family started hosting the Saudi backed LIV golf tournament or the very lucrative agreement with a Saudi real estate company for a Trump hotel in Oman in the early months after Trump was sent packing back to Mar-a-Lago. Considering all…