Isolationist warmongers

Sat, 02/09/2023 - 02:00
Sat, 02/09/2023 - 02:00
Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene posted on the former twitter on Wednesday that the Democrats are going to drag the country into a full-scale war to “unite the country behind Biden.” She said it would “be horrific”and would infuriate the country “but make no mistake, they want war.” Donald Trump was so pleased he actually re-posted her comment on his own social media platform Truth Social. Greene trying to portray herself as some sort of peacenik is possibly even more hilarious than Trump doing it but they both l like to position themselves as “anti-war” by calling Joe Biden a warmonger for supporting Ukraine in its fight against the Russian invasion. They claim to be “America First” or at the very least, “non-interventionist” as if they just want to give peace a chance but they don’t seem to realize this just doesn’t scan as their faux pacifism is belied by their extreme bellicosity. Take for example this on from Greene just a few months ago: As you can see, they’ve actually introduced legislation to “declare war” on the Mexican cartels. And Trump is echoing this in the presidential campaign: I will order the Department of Defense to make appropriate use of special forces, cyber warfare, and other overt and covert actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure and operations. That kind of talk will sound familiar to anyone who lived through “the war on drugs.” There were covert operations in places like Colombia but those were coordinated with…