How they do it

Wed, 20/09/2023 - 08:00
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 08:00
Former GOP strategist Rick Wilson writes about how the Republicans get over. Normally, I would say that they haven’t got the greatest track record in presidential races over the past 30 years so why listen to them? But with the imbecilic, narcissistic, pathological liar Donald Trump’s inexplicable popularity I think it’s probably a good idea to at least consider some of their tactics: Republican political operators are raised on two rules. Just two. Rule 1: Just win, baby. Rule 2: Stay on message. If you have doubts about either of the rules, refer to the other rule. Just Win The “Just win” rule is precisely what it sounds like; victory is the only goal, and everything else is noise and distraction. “Just Win” is the rule that leads Democrats to wonder repeatedly why garbage-tier GOP candidates win in states and seats in which they should be competitive. It’s the reason the GOP will defend the indefensible until the last dog dies, whether policy or politician. It’s why the shamelessness of the GOP political class, of which I was once a successful and very well-compensated member, is their superpower. It’s why they’re so quick to embrace a kind of Ohm’s Law of ugly politics: take the path of least resistance to victory, even if it’s corrosive to the nation, our institutions, and the national character. (With only a handful of exceptions, the consultant class of the GOP loathes Trump with the fire of a million suns, but the winning is so,…