Start playing offense

Wed, 20/09/2023 - 23:00
Wed, 20/09/2023 - 23:00
Stay on message “How they do it,” Digby’s post and comments on “Tough Love For the Democrats” from Rick Wilson’s substack, blew up my Mastodon feed last night. Quite a fewf people agree it’s time for Democrats to stop farting around and treat the fight with MAGA as what it is: a fight. Wilson shares the GOP’s two rules: Rule 1: Just win, baby. Rule 2: Stay on message. Chuck your “almost religious belief that policy wins elections,” Wilson advises. Quit trying to win on fact-checking. This is a bare-knuckles brawl. Wilson credits Joe Biden for declaring MAGA Republicans a threat in 2022, that what was at stake is democracy and liberty. It still is. Next year’s elections are about “whether the American government is a tool for opportunity or one of oppression.” “Get on and stay on this message, Democrats,” Wilson insists. Biden has gotten results. The former Republican consultant names Biden “arguably the most successful Democratic President since FDR, taken in total.” A friend with Clinton White House experience concurs. Clinton came into office with an ambitious agenda and large margins in the House and Senate. In his first two years, Clinton “got one big budget bill through, and a NAFTA bill the Republicans and Big Business liked a lot more than working people and Democrats.” (That’s for sure.) But then things went to hell. Obama had a decent first two years as well, Mike Lux continues: When a youthful Barack Obama swept into power with huge margins…