Populism polka

Sat, 23/09/2023 - 05:00
Sat, 23/09/2023 - 05:00
Kevin McCarthy’s constituents watch Fox News LA Times columnist Mark Z. Barabak went to Kevin McCarthy’s district and did some man-on-the-street interviews asking The People what they thought about impeaching Joe Biden. Julian Perea doesn’t hate Joe Biden. If anything, he feels bad for him, given his age and what Perea regards as the president’s severe mental and physical impairment. “The guy is out of it,” Perea said. Even so, the retired Fresno police officer is glad the House of Representatives — led by his congressman, Speaker Kevin McCarthy — has taken the first step toward impeaching the president. “We as conservatives need to fight back,” said Perea, who served more than three decades in the Army and sprinkled his views with several references to war and warfare. “You have to keep the enemy off balance at all times.” . . . “I think it’s a great idea,” said Claudia Warkentin of Biden’s impeachment. The 43-year-old political independent lives in Clovis, a Fresno suburb, and works in the waste-management industry. She voted for Trump in 2020 and may back him again in 2024. Biden has “made a mockery of our country,” Warkentin said, pointing to the frailties she sees in the 80-year-old president. Impeachment “should have happened a long time ago.” . . . “The battle is larger than just Biden,” said Perea, the retired police officer. Impeaching the president is “fighting for our way of life.” . . . “What used to be abnormal is normal. What used to be normal is…