Join strategic and community initiatives at DrupalCon Lille

Thu, 28/09/2023 - 19:54
Thu, 28/09/2023 - 19:54

DrupalCon Lille is in less than three weeks with more than a thousand in-person attendees and leads of various key initiatives there. Meet the leaders of improvements to Drupal core and and advance the platform together! Here are some chances to meet them and connect.


The Driesnote on Tuesday at 1:30pm will of course include an update on some key initiatives as well as other exciting insights into where Drupal is headed.

The Drupal Initiative Leads keynote on Thursday at 1:30pm will feature Mike Herchel (New toolbar), Sascha Eggenberger (Admin UI improvements), Chris Wells (Project Browser), Suzanne Dergacheva (Promote Drupal), Felip Manyer Ballester ('s Drupal 10 port), Fran Garcia-Linares ('s Gitlab). Meet them after the keynote on Friday to get involved in their respective initiatives!

Drupal's future

There are various sessions beyond the keynotes to discuss where Drupal is headed.

Alejandro Moreno Lopez, Scott Massey, Cristina Chumillas, AmyJune Hineline and Nick Veenhof will discuss Innovation and the future of Drupal on Thursday at 9:15am.

To discuss the Drupal Association's strategy of supporting Drupal's innovation and other questions, join Tim Lehnen, Tim Doyle, Baddy Breidert and Dries Buytaert on Wednesday 4:15pm at Drupal Association Staff + Board + Community Q&A.

More specifically Lauri Eskola, one of Drupal's Product Managers will talk about Making Drupal a Better Out-of-the-Box Product on Thursday at 11:30am.

Adopt new frontend tools

Some of the recent frontend initaitive results are now at a stage where you can adopt them!

Join Mike Herchel on Thursday at 9:15am to learn about Drupal's new Single Directory Components (SDC), which will revolutionize how you create reusable components for your modules and themes.

Andy Blum will dive deep into Drupal 10's recently stabilised starterkit tool on Thursday at 10:30am. In One Theme To Rule Them All: Using StarterKits to accelerate theme development and reduce technical debt he will show you how this new tool changes theme creation for agencies and product team for years to come.

Get involved with admin interface improvements

In Next Drupal admin UI improvements on Thursday at 10:30am, Cristina Chumillas and Sascha Eggenberger will provide an overview of various admin UI improvements in the making. Cristina Chumillas also holds a BoF to gather community feedback on the admin toolbar specifically at 4:14pm on Thursday.

Lauri Eskola will hold a BoF on Next-generation page building experience to discuss plans to improve structured page building in Drupal on Tuesday at 5:15pm.

Christian López Espínola will join Cristina Chumillas to immerse you in the discussion around a new Drupal dashboard specifically in So I logged in, now what? The Dashboard initiative welcomes you on Tuesday at 4:15pm.

Frontend table from Drupal Europe 2018

Project Browser

Check out the Project Browser Initiative: Where We're At and How You Can Help session on Tuesday at 3:00pm by Leslie Glynn and Chris Wells. Later on find Chris at the contribution rooms most days to collaborate on project browser development. Meet Leslie at mentored contribution events to try Project Browser.

After the session Leslie will also hold a BoF on Tuesday at 4:15pm: Maintainers - prepare your modules to shine in the Project Browser for project maintainers to get the most out of their placement in Project Browser.

Automatic updates

There is a whole panel discussion about Automatic Updates with key contributors Peter Wolanin, Tim Lehnen, Wim Leers and Jess (xjm). What's Next for Drupal Autoupdates on Thursday at 3pm.


Janez Urevz will lead a BoF titled Revolutionizing Drupal with Automated Performance Testing: A Deep Dive into Gander, the New Framework on Thursday at 3pm which covers the recently added performance testing capability in Drupal core. 

Backend improvements

Wim Leers will talk about the work he is coordinating in Drupal's next leap: configuration validation on Thursday at 5:15pm. Configuration validation will not only make decoupled solutions easier to implement, it will also make deployments more consistent and reliable.

David Bekker, Drupal core's database API maintainer will present Why we moved the database drivers to their own modules and what we want to do next on Thursday at 5:40pm. improvements

DrupalCon Lille offers a wide varierty of content and ways to get involved with improvements to Update: Accelerating contribution will provide an overview with Tim Lehnen, Neil Drumm, Brendan Blaine and Fran Garcia-Linares on Wednesday at 11:30am.

Fran Garcia-Linares will present a dedicated session, a journey from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 on Wednesday at 3:00pm, while Felip Manyer Ballester and Nicolas Loye will delve into Drupal 10 localization server upgrade initiative status on Tuesday at 5:15pm. Felip Manyer Ballester will also hold a BoF discussion on Wednesday at 3pm on Contribution credits for translation activity on

Contribution day

All of the initiatives mentioned in this post will have key folks working on contribution day on Friday (20th of October), while some of them will be present in the contribution rooms on earlier days as well. Join them at their respective tables to be part of Drupal's future!

And even more

These were just some of the top initiatives we are tracking and there will be a lot more things you can learn and be involved with at DrupalCon. Check out the full DrupalCon Lille schedule for sessions and especially BoFs to get involved and make sure to join contribution spaces throughout the event and on Friday.