Deep trauma and war fever

Thu, 12/10/2023 - 00:09
Thu, 12/10/2023 - 00:09
“We are heading for a wider war” We who watched Iraq invade Kuwait in 1990 and the Trade Towers fall in 2001 have seen war fever take hold. The fever is not just a product of justified outrage nor of the “fog” of sketchy information, but also of active propaganda. Google: Nayirah and Office of Special Plans. Approach with caution. Here is CNN’s tumbnail sketch of where things stand this morning: At least 1,200 people were killed in Israel in Hamas’ October 7 onslaught when armed militants poured over the border into Israel, raiding homes, rampaging through communities and taking as many as 150 hostages back to Gaza. In retaliation for the atrocities, Israeli jets have been pounding Gaza — the densely inhabited coastal strip that Hamas controls — with hundreds of airstrikes, reducing neighborhoods to rubble. Officials say a “complete siege” has trapped residents, cutting them off from food, electricity and resources. Many survivors are in critical condition and struggling with an overwhelming emotional toll as a humanitarian crisis swiftly unfolds in the region. When wars break out anywhere in this world, innocents die. If we cannot muster the compassion for the foreign dead and their families or restrain the urge for collective punishment, remember this: When wars break out anywhere in this world, Americans die too. Wherever the lines of battle are drawn, Americans find themselves trapped on both sides of them. That fact is also lost in the fog. Post by @cnn View on Threads We mourn for the slaughtered. We…