The Logic Of Ethnic Cleansing And Genocide

Mon, 20/11/2023 - 17:19
Mon, 20/11/2023 - 17:19
The Logic Of Ethnic Cleansing And Genocide

So, at this point basically all hopspitals in Gaza are shut down, forcibly, or just barely running. None of them were proved to have any significant Hamas presence beyond that would be expected by the fact that Hamas is Gaza’s government. (Does the US have a presence in American hospitals?)

The obvious point here, is that if you want to kill the most people possible, hospitals are bad since they keep people from dying.

Then there’s this beautiful bit:

Israeli General Giora Eiland’s weekly call for genocide: “The international community warns of a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and of severe epidemics. We must not shy away from it, as hard as it is. After all, severe epidemics in the south of the Strip will hasten victory”

I mean, I admire the honesty.

It’s clear that the Israelis want to remove every Palestinians from Gaza if they can, and if not to confine them to an even smaller area. Convincing other countries to take them has proven difficult, and they’ve floated plenty of ways, including a bunch of countries taking 50K each.

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If no one will take ’em, killing ’em gets rid of them too.

Given the food embargo, the water embargo and the power embargo, it’s hard not to think that Israel’s goal is to kill as many civilians as possible and they’ve also destroyed something around 90% of the housing stock: completely uninhabitable.

If it looks talks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. If everything you’re doing a reasonable person would know would kill tons of civilians, you’re probably trying to kill tons of civilians.

Anyway, one of the questions Israel supporters love to ask is you support Israel’s right to exist.

No, not any more. Once you cross that genocide line, your legitimacy is lost.

(Actually, I’m not sure I accept any government’s legitimacy any more, but Israel has walked way farther over line than most.)