They’re going after the critics

Wed, 22/11/2023 - 10:00
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 10:00
Judd Legum’s great newsletter featured this look at Republican Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, a dedicated MAGA warrior who gladly does Stephen Miller’s bidding: Stephen Miller, the notorious advisor to former president Donald Trump, suggested on X yesterday that a “conservative state Attorney[] General” should pursue civil and criminal charges against Media Matters. Miller claims that Media Matters committed “fraud” by reporting that X was displaying ads from major brands next to white nationalist and neo-Nazi posts. X has accused Media Matters of “completely misrepresent[ing] the real user experience on X.” But, according to X’s own statement, all Media Matters did was create an account, follow some users, and observe what ads were displayed.  Musk, a self-described “free speech absolutist,” responded favorably to Miller’s proposal to subject journalists to criminal prosecution, declaring it “interesting.” But the idea that Media Matters’ conduct is legally actionable is absurd, especially since X has already admitted that ads were displayed next to the posts identified by Media Matters.   Nevertheless, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey (R) took Miller up on his suggestion. “My team is looking into this matter,” Bailey posted in response to Musk.  Bailey expanded on his investigation of Media Matters’ reporting in an interview on Newsmax, a far-right cable channel:  It does not appear that Bailey gave this “investigation” much thought. Media Matters’ conduct did not involve “fraudulent algorithms” or “advertising.” And the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act only applies to “the sale or advertisement of any merchandise in trade or commerce.” Media…