Who’s Losing It?

Mon, 04/12/2023 - 05:30
Mon, 04/12/2023 - 05:30
Trump has always been a sloppy speaker. But he’s not the same person he was, that’s clear. Someone pointed out the other day that the past and the present seem to be merging in his mind at times. The stuff where he’s talking about golden showers and how his wife took it and constantly saying that Obama is president are tells that something is off in his sense of time and place. Here are a couple more excerpts from speeches he gave this weekend. They are bizarrely disjointed even for him. Some are just the usual misspeaking but he doesn’t seem to realize he’s done it. In the past he would do some verbal gyration to cover it (of course, he would never say “excuse me” and correct himself as normal people do) but he just sails past this stuff now. This is just delusional: This is a massive Freudian slip: Of course, he’s also the same jackass he always was: The Flock of Seagulls hairdo gets more elaborate by the day. Can he not see it?