One Month until Drupal 10 is expected to be released

Mon, 14/11/2022 - 19:26
Mon, 14/11/2022 - 19:26

We’re getting even closer to the launch of Drupal 10 as we hit the one month countdown mark! With Drupal 10 expected to be released on 14 December, we’re gearing up to update in order to take advantage of all of the benefits such as Olivero theme, CK Editor 5, and new Claro backend. 

Prepare now with Upgrade Status 

  • If you’re on Drupal 9, use Upgrade Status on your Drupal 9 site to get an estimate of the work needed. Install the Upgrade Status module, check your environment readiness and start by making that compatible. Then, proceed with the to-do list shown on the UI. 

Fix Code with Drupal Rector

  • Automatic code fixes are available in Drupal Rector. The plan provided by Upgrade Status will tell you where to use drupal-rector to update your own custom code. Upgrade Status will also help you find the best way to contribute to projects that are not yet compatible!

Hosting a Drupal 10 party? Share it with the community!

Be sure to check out the all of the new features now on the Drupal 10 page.

Thank you again to everyone who has been working to complete the requirements and strategic initiatives needed for Drupal 10! Do you have questions about the upcoming launch of Drupal 10? The Drupal 10 readiness team holds meetings every Monday at 18:00 UTC in #d10readiness on #Drupal Slack. Join the channel to discuss other questions about Drupal 10 anytime! 

Stay tuned throughout the months leading up to the 14 December release target for more updates and information on Drupal 10, and make sure to follow us on Twitter @DrupalAssoc and @Drupal to stay up-to-date on all of the latest Drupal 10 news.