Will it be a story for more than a day? Yesterday I observed an exchange on CNN which perfectly illustrates our problem. While acknowledging that it’s important to report on it, Dana Bash said Trump did everything in plain sight “so how much of this is baked in and how much does that vs Joe Biden just cancel each other out. I’m not saying it’s not important I’m just looking at reality” I wanted to scream in frustration. But one of her panelists, Laura Baron Lopez of PBS had the right answer: That’s our job in the press to make clear the differences, not just “Republicans call Biden corrupt, Democrats call Trump corrupt and we don’t know what the truth is” when we do know there is no evidence right now at all that says that President Biden did anything wrong or benefited from his son’s business dealings whereas there is a paper trail and there IS evidence showing that former president Trump benefited from his business dealings while he was in office.” That’s correct. Sadly, it appears to have been a one day story and that’s the end of that. Because it’s “baked in” and Biden did it too, except he didn’t, but people say he did so they cancel each other out. “That’s reality.’ Anyway, here’s my offering on this story: A few months back I noted a little story in the New York Times about Special Prosecutor Jack Smith’s investigation that didn’t get much circulation. It pertained…