The Bar Can’t Get Any Lower

Mon, 08/01/2024 - 11:30
Mon, 08/01/2024 - 11:30
Trump’s verbal incontinence was out of control this weekend in Iowa in so many ways. But his worst moments were making fun of Biden’s childhood stutter and John McCain’s injury sustained from being tortured during his Viet Nam captivity. The Washington Post reported the Biden comment this way: “Did you see him? He was stuttering through the whole thing,” Trump said to a chuckling crowd on Friday in Sioux Center, Iowa. “He’s saying I’m a threat to democracy.” “’He’s a threat to d-d-democracy,’” he continued, pretending to stutter. “Couldn’t read the word.” The remark was not true; Biden said the word “democracy” 29 times in his speech, never stuttering over it. Trump’s comment also marked a particularly crass form of politics that he has exhibited throughout his career that places politeness and human decency at the center of the 2024 presidential election. Good for them for reporting it honestly. I’ve seen too many cable shows apparently decideing not to show it because it would “come at a cost” to them to remind the American people of what a cretin Trump is. The McCain thing illustrates the same point about his lack of human decency. Meghan McCain fired back: I guess a lot of people are still enjoying this puerile commentary. But I have to wonder how many. There must be some Trump voters who are tired of this grotesque shit. Right?