Remember when Ann Coulter used to ecstatically describe Donald Trump as an “alpha male” who was going to set the country straight? She even wrote a book called In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! Well, she’s been off of him for quite some time because he failed to build the wall. And she doesn’t seem to believe him when he and his henchman Stephen Miller promise to deport millions of people who look like they might not be citizens. She’s going after him and his voters on twitter and it’s kind of hilarious. She doesn’t think he can beat Biden: “How many people who voted for Biden in 2020 have since switched to Trump?” If there are ANY, it’s a lot fewer than: 1) those who voted for Trump but who’ve since died (older white people);2) immigrants who turned 18 in the last 4 yrs and will vote (minorities);3) Republicans who voted for Trump in 2020, but have since changed their minds over, e.g. his behavior in the GA runoffs, and the 2022 “red wave” —… losing election after election for the GOP by demanding that Republicans run on the “stolen 2020 election,” e.g. Blake Masters, Kari Lake, Doug Mastriano, Adam Laxalt, Don Bolduc, Joe Kent, etc. Then she really let them have it: Trump voters are morons cont’ NYT: <<“I prefer Trump because Democrats are trying to find any way they can to jail him,” she said.>>Dems lie about Trump, THEREFORE he’d make a great president!There aren’t enough drugs in…