Trump Is No Navalny, That’s For Sure

Mon, 19/02/2024 - 10:30
Mon, 19/02/2024 - 10:30
Trump has spent the weekend blabbing about his hideous gold tennis shoes and the New York Fraud ruling. He did find time to post one thing about Navalny. Naturally it was an “analysis” from some obscure web site asserting that Donald Trump is the Navalny of the United States, with all the usual lies. But this is the important part. He smeared Navalny: And then he killed him. These wingnuts are very confused. They don’t know if Trump is just like Navalny, being falsely accused of corruption and fraud or if Navalny is actually a criminal who deserved to be treated the way he was treated. Because if they’re saying Navalny was a corrupt fraudster, he’s exactly like Trump. Which is it? I’m surprised Trump hasn’t flogged this right wing meme more than this. It’s all over social media. Maybe his feral instincts tell him that it’s probably not a good place for him to go. Instead he’s just not mentioning it. I certainly hope that the next time a real journalist sits down with him that he’s grilled on this.