Much Better. More Like This Please

Wed, 21/02/2024 - 11:30
Wed, 21/02/2024 - 11:30
I was hard on Stewart for his “both sides” opening show. I don’t think we need any more of that. But this? Oh yeah: Update: Here’s Mary Trump responding to Stewart’s thin skinned response to the criticism he received for last week. I think she’s got a point: I’ve been to some wonderful places in my life, but this weekend I found myself somewhere I never expected to be — living rent-free in comedian Jon Stewart’s head. Stewart was back for his second show on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, and apparently felt the need to respond to my very real concerns over his dangerous both-sides-ism last week, when he equated President Biden and Donald. I criticized him for erroneously elevating my uncle by claiming, “We’re not suggesting neither man is vibrant, productive, or even capable.” Any honest, objective person knows this is completely false — Donald is neither productive nor capable, while, President Biden is both of those to an impressive degree. According to Merriam-Webster, vibrant means “pulsating with life, vigor, or activity.” I’ll leave it to you to decide whom that more accurately describes. This is the kind of false both-sides-isms I was calling out. I find it dangerous, coming from an incredibly influential public figure, because it leads to voter apathy, which is unacceptable in an election year when the candidate leading one side threatens to eliminate our democracy and the candidate leading the other seeks to strengthen it. My take was overwhelmingly supported by you, The Good in Us community, which is…