The 2020s Counterculture

Thu, 22/02/2024 - 07:00
Thu, 22/02/2024 - 07:00
It ain’t the 60’s, folks JV Last at the Bulwark takes a look today at the way the Republicans now see institutions since they realized that they have lost the educated, financially successful American cohorts. Their first order of business was to create alternative institutions which they’ve done successfully with the media which has made it very easy to control politicians by propagandizing their constituents. A case in point: As a result of losing the popular culture, they now believe that they can only control it by using the power of the state, thus authoritarianism. -Republicans can no longer create popular majorities, but they can take control of the apparatus of government. -The institutions of civil society have historically been a mediating layer between citizens and government. But Republicans have also lost the argument with educated and financially successful voters, leading to their loss of support within many American institutions. -In response, Republicans have decided that the existing institutions of civil society are illegitimate and that all power should be centrally located with the state. -But if Republicans are also a persistent minority who can only take control of the state intermittently, then they must seek electoral advantage wherever they can: Voting laws to shape the electorate. Post-election lawsuits to change outcomes. Insurrections. Coups. -Because their only hope of holding off both the popular majorities they see as evil and the institutions they see as illegitimate is to win some final victory in which state power is concentrated within the party and…