The Drupal Association still stands with Ukraine

Sun, 25/02/2024 - 00:53
Sun, 25/02/2024 - 00:53

We support Ukraine.

On the two-year anniversary of the Russian government’s attack on Ukraine, the Drupal Association wishes to reiterate its support for Ukraine. The invasion was an act of aggression, and our hearts are still with our Drupal Ukraine community.

We want to bring attention once more to the ways that the Drupal community can continue to support Ukraine. Here is a list of organizations* accepting donations to help people directly affected by the events in Ukraine:

  • Nova Ukraine, a Ukraine-based nonprofit, provides citizens with basic needs and resources. Donate here.

  • United Help Ukraine receives and distributes donations, food, and medical supplies to internally displaced Ukrainians and anyone affected by the war. Donate here

  • People in Need provides humanitarian aid to over 200,000 people on the ground. Donate here

  • The Ukrainian Red Cross undertakes humanitarian work, from aiding refugees to training doctors. Donate here.

  • UN Refugees Agency supports refugees. Donate here

  • UNICEF Ukraine is repairing schools damaged by the bombings and providing emergency responses to children affected by the war. Donate here.

As always, our global Drupal community is better together. We stand in solidarity and hope for peace. 

*List of resources originally compiled by Global Citizen