After the Supremes released their decision overturning the Colorado Ballot Case ruling, Trump gave a speech and the cable nets were beside themselves in anticipation. If you have a spare 15 minutes to watch it all, I urge you to do it. I wish everyone would see it because they need to be reminded of what he is. This wasn’t a rally where you can possibly chalk up his lunacy to the fever of the crowd. This was him speaking extemporaneously before a camera, just riffing on what he cares about. If you don’t have time (or can’t bring yourself to watch him) here are just a few of the highlights. He says this will bring out country together. Because the country will only come together if Trump wins everything, That’s how this works. Aaaaand…. I think that gives you the gist. And I would hope it will be on the evening news and in prime time so that people who are working can see it too. Maybe some will think he’s making a good point and that presidents should be given blanket immunity and its perfectly fine for a presidential candidate to trash judges and prosecutors and call them names in a formal setting like this (or at least not a political rally.) Maybe it’s a mistake to remind people that Donald Trump whines like a 5 year old even when he’s being given a gift by the Supreme Court. It’s possible that most voters really love that in…