He Gives The Very Best Names

Thu, 14/03/2024 - 03:00
Thu, 14/03/2024 - 03:00
Donald Trump is very proud of his talent for nicknames. In a recent interview in New Hampshire he explained, “I do a lot of names for people, some people say I’m very good at that.” I suppose that’s true. His followers do seem to love it when he bestows some juvenile nickname on one of his rivals. This seems to be the extent of his “branding” expertise which makes some sense since his success at that was due to him slapping his own name on everything in sight, from meat to ties to con games and buildings. Put a name on it and it sticks, I guess. When he first ran for office his penchant for silly nicknames was jarring but it’s so common now that nobody much notices the fact that he really seems to have lost his touch since the halcyon days of “Li’l Marco” “Pocohontas” and “Lyin’ Ted.” His nickname for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was “Ron DeSanctimonious” or sometimes “Ron DeSanctus” neither of which made much sense. I’m not sure he even knew what the words meant. Calling former cabinet member Elaine Chow “Coco” and New York Attorney General Tish James “Peekaboo” was weird. And let’s face facts. Recycling “Crooked Hillary” to “Crooked Joe” was just pathetic. This is the best the “master brander” can do these days? But we must give credit where credit is due. He has finally come up with a nickname that is so outrageous that it will go down in political…