Donald Trump has said many things that should have chased him out of politics a long time ago. But in an interview with Eric Cortellessa of Time Magazine this week he finally said something so outrageous that it could make a difference in this upcoming close campaign. When asked if states should monitor women’s pregnancies so they can know if they’ve gotten an abortion after the ban, Trump replied: “I think they might do that. Again, you’ll have to speak to the individual states.” In other words, he’s fine with whatever medieval torture a state might want to inflict. That wasn’t all. He went on to say that states prosecuting women who get abortions is none of his concern and said that he would reveal his position on a possible national ban on the widely used drug Mifepristone in two weeks. (The two weeks have passed and when Time approached him to see if he had an update he extended it.) He may be waiting to see if the Supreme Court lets him off the hook with a ruling in the FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine case which they heard last month. And he was unwilling to say whether he will vote to overturn the 6 week abortion ban that just went into effect in his home state of Florida just this week next November and, again, he said that it would be up to the state. Trump thinks he’s brilliantly found a way to evade responsibility for the…