Dan Pfeiffer’s newsletter today answers one big question: The biggest divide in politics is not between Left and Right; it’s between political junkies and everyone else. There is a massive chasm between those who actively seek out political news and the vast majority of the country. The gap has been exacerbated by tectonic shifts in the media environment. I summarized the changes that led to this “News Gap” in a recent post: Readers (and the writer) of this newsletter have barely noticed the changesy. We watch cable news, we download podcasts, subscribe to newsletters, and (some of us) still use Twitter to track current events. We are junkies. We seek out political news at every opportunity. But for the vast majority of Americans, who do not actively engage with politics and the news, these changes significantly altered their media diets and what they know about politics and politicians. Pfeiffer says that 3 polls this week address that phenomenon and somewhat answer the question about why this race is so close. Navigator Research showed that people aren’t hearing about the Inflation Reduction Act — and if they do they support it: A CBS poll found that people have no idea about all Biden has done on climate change: As Pfeiffer makes clear, this isn’t just a matter of Democratic messaging, it’s a structural problem. People who pay attention back Biden: The massive differences in news consumption may also be driving political support for the two candidates according to a fascinating NBC News poll:…